Sustainable Garden Services
Clover Overseeding
We will over-seed your lawn with our blend of clover seed and grass seed or just clover seed.
Give your lawn that lush look in a natural way! It will fill in the gaps because its shade tolerant and it'll fertilize the existing grass as well.
Plant something that was meant to be here
No more monoculture - No more fertilizer - No more gaps in the lawn
Learn More about Clover
Clover has become a new service to New Generation but also a new trend in the whole landscape industry. But why has it gotten so popular?
I imagine it's confusing for most who have spent their lives trying to get rid of clover on their lawn, to now being advised to plant it. Allow me to explain.
The typical lush, green, American turf Grass lawn that we are so familiar with has been a symbol of wealth, individuality, and the American Dream for since about the 1950s. This symbolism still remains true today, however, as climate change has become more and more of an impending issue, people are left questioning what they can do to help.
The turf grass lawn is a symbol of prosperity but an environmental nightmare. 40 million acres of land in the United States is used for grass. This contributes to what's called monoculture: the cultivation of a single crop in any given area which puts biodiversity and a healthy ecosystem in danger. On top of that, none of that grass was native to the United States and that disrupts the ecosystem even further. The Lawn consumes a significant amount of fresh water, chemical fertilizer, and power in order to maintain it.
Clover is the perfect solution! There are several species of clover that are native to the United States that are actually endangered species. Clover can grow in the shade, unlike grass. Clover is self-fertilizing with what's called nitrogen fixation. This means that it takes all the nitrogen from the atmosphere and puts it into the soil. No need for chemicals!
It is green and full so it still allows for a lush lawn. Except this lawn is safe for children, attracts wildlife, flowers, and pollinates. The ecosystem loves your clover lawn.
- Josh Kover