Sustainable Garden Services
Lawn Maintenance
Starting at $30/ week, we offer weekly lawn mowing, edging, and blowing with our all-electric tools.
Starting at $50 / every two weeks we offer weekly lawn mowing, edging, and blowing with our all-electric tools.
(Biweekly maintenance is recommended)

Why choose New Generation?

Our tools are 8x quieter than gas-powered equipment allowing you to sleep in on the weekend.

With our lawns, you will be able to smell the fragrance of freshly cut grass without the stench of gas fumes covering it.

Zero Emissions
Our tools are eco-friendly. Lawnmowers are one of the leading causes of greenhouse-gas emissions, and we are trying to re-write that narrative.
Learn More about Gas Powered Equipment
As electric alternatives are popping up in every industry, people are starting to question why they should continue to endure the smelly, loud, and heavy gas-powered machines for their lawns.
Gas-powered lawnmowers have been a surprisingly major contributor to climate change. However, unlike electric cars, they get very little attention from the media and the government.
- Gas-powered Lawn Mowers contribute 5-10% of the nation's air pollution.
- Gas-powered equipment consumes on average up to 800,000,000 gallons of gas which wastes our precious natural resources.
- Using gas-powered lawnmowers for a half hour has the same amount of emissions as driving 11 cars for a half hour.
- 17 million gallons/ year are spilled just filling up a lawn mower. To put it in perspective, Exxon spills 11 million gallons/ year.
Electric cars are a great way to decrease your carbon footprint, but switching to an electric lawn mower is just better.
- Josh Kover